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O.C. Topping


   Hi, I’m O.C. Topping and I hope you enjoy my stories. I’m a writer of fiction for the most part in genres I also like to read, such as sci-fi, detective stories, and a mix of fantasy/travel. My tastes are sometimes old school, such as Hemingway, Steinbeck, Octavia Butler, and Agatha Christie. What can I say? I grew up with them. They stick like a good fungus.

   My style is my own, developed over time as an attorney. Yes, an attorney. I know — formulaic writing, right? Grinder writing. Well, as uncreative as the writing may be, it opened me to being able to express the weird inner stories circulating inside my brain. Writing is just a way to allow them to percolate to the top and out, spilling all over the table and making a mess.

   When I'm not writing, I hike the Appalachian trail, think of snowboarding and the crazy things my daughter is doing, and play bingo with my wife, Pam. 

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